Scene Swaps

Scene swaps are on hiatus until further notice.

The Scene Swap Program gives members the opportunity to have up to 10 pages of script read and reviewed by two other PCSF members in exchange for giving feedback on two scripts. Members can submit up to 10 pages of script by 11:59 pm on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month. (This is off-cycle from Scene Nights, which are generally the first and third Thursdays.) By Thursday 11:59 pm, each participant receives two scripts to review. Reviews are submitted by 11:59 pm Sunday and distributed to playwrights by Monday 11:59 pm.

Guidelines for Submittals/Reviews

  • Both scripts and reviews are to be blind; that is, no information identifying the playwright or reviewer


  • Submissions must be no more than 10 pages – Courier or New Times Roman, 12 point. No cheating on margins, etc.
  • You will need a Submittable account to submit your play.
  • If submitting a scene from a longer play, include a short explanation of who the characters are and what the objective of the scene is. No more than 3 sentences. Please put this description at the beginning of the play script you are submitting (that is, in the same file).
  • Optionally, the playwright submitting the play may ask two or three specific questions they would like the reviewer to answer. Place these questions at the end of the script being submitted; that is, in the same file.
  • Ready? Submit your scene


  • Don't cover stage directions or format in the review, unless the playwright has asked for feedback on this.
  • Reviews can take a couple of forms. 
    • If the playwright asked specific questions, answer them. And/or …
    • In the absence of specific questions, the reviewer can use the following questions as guidance in formulating their feedback:
      • What did you like about the play?
      • What did you think could use improvement?
      • Were the objectives of the characters clear, and did the characters seem focused on those objectives during the scene?
      • What part of the scene did you find most interesting and why? What part seemed less interesting and why?
      • Did you find anything confusing or unclear? Was anything overly obvious or repetitious?
  • Tips on writing reviews:
    • Express feedback as your opinion/reaction, not as a universal truth
    • Try to pose questions to help the playwright consider an area that may need improvement; for example, "How does the protagonist develop or change over the course of the play?"
    • Be honest and kind.
    • Spend about 15 minutes writing the review. The review should be a half page to a full page long.
    • The two reviews should be emailed to as two separate blind pdf attachments.

How to Participate:

An email will be sent out every couple of weeks to all members announcing the next Scene Swap submission deadline. A Submittable link will be included in the email. Click on the link and submit your play as a blind pdf.

Last updated 5/31/2020.